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YuGiOh Deck Builder

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You aren't logged in. You can still build and share decks but they won't be editable later. Login to save and manage your decks. Learn more.

Visitors who aren't logged in get an "anonymous" deck to work on. We create a cookie to save the deck to your browser so you can come back and work on it later, but this also means if the cookie is ever lost, expired, or we can't find it, that old deck is now uneditable and a new deck is created for you again.

Since cookies are generally unreliable and we don't want you to lose your deck, we recommend creating an account so decks you create can be saved and easily found later.

A new deck has been created for you to work on. Start searching for cards to add, or click for help.

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Untitled Deck 215860

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Extra Deck Show/Hide 0
Side Deck Show/Hide 0