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"My Fun True Draco Deck" Deck by Bob2eggs

Main 40

Extra 0

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Side 0

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My Fun True Draco Deck

This deck is not legal in the TCG because it conflicts with the banlist:


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40 Cards: 9 15 16

Archetype(s): True Draco True King

Lowest Cost: $16.61

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: Bob2eggs

Created: 05/24/2021

Last Updated: 05/24/2021

Anonymous Deck Builder Profile Picture
Anonymous Deck Builder

Unknown User

68 1787 853358

This deck is made for fun. This isn't really supposed to be competitive. Also this deck is pretty bricky as there are only a couple of monsters. So I focused on a couple floodgates. But there are pots i guess. There aren't any real combos with this deck.


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Main Deck 40