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"Red-Eyed Dracos" Deck by Gabriel

Main 43

Extra 4

Side 0

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Red-Eyed Dracos

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43 Cards: 24 12 7

Archetype(s): True Draco Red-Eyes

Lowest Cost: $47.15

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: Gabriel

Played: 12/07/2020

Created: 12/07/2020

Last Updated: 12/07/2020

Ultimate Obelisk Profile Picture
Ultimate Obelisk

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Red-Eyes need a protection, so he ask True Dracos, they say:,,We will protect you, but you must give something to us. Your powers.''. Red-Eyes, with sadness give them his powers. True Dracos take them and lock it In Steel Cage where even Red-Eyes's flame can't brake. True Dracos knew: If they leave him his powers, he will destroy last line of protection of Light World. Now he battles with them to be protected.


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Main Deck 43
Extra Deck 4