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"Windwitch (Pre-February Support) v2" Deck by Oli

Main 40

Extra 15

Side 0

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Windwitch (Pre-February Support) v2


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40 Cards: 28 5 7

Archetype(s): Stardust Dragon Windwitch

Lowest Cost: $46.38

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: Oli

Created: 10/29/2020

Last Updated: 10/29/2020

TheMusicianMonarch Profile Picture

Registered User

0 2 674

A really consistent windwitch strategy. Lots of ways to get out different synchros. Raptite functions as your called by the grave/DD Crow. Winterbell into Crystal wing is a great strategy, as is going into Bahamut. Kings Consonance into Cosmic. Waking the dragon gives you everything.


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Main Deck 40
Extra Deck 15