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"Numeron Ghostrick" Deck by Chandler Schuler

Main 60

Extra 15

Side 15

Numeron Ghostrick

This deck is not legal in the TCG because it conflicts with the banlist:


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60 Cards: 34 13 13

Archetype(s): Ghostrick

Lowest Cost: $80.58

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: Chandler Schuler

Created: 10/13/2020

Last Updated: 10/13/2020

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Anonymous Deck Builder

Unknown User

68 1787 852330

I decided to build this deck because at first it sounded interesting. But after playing it I was shocked at how much this deck could do. My first PvP match on the nexus was against numeron Aldrich and I won 2-1. Shocking right? This deck can control, otk, and do more. If your wanting to bring back the ghostrick archetype try this numeron ghostrick.


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Click a card to see details!
Main Deck 60
Extra Deck 15
Side Deck 15