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"Salamangreat MR5 April 2020 banlist" Deck by CubicCards

Main 40

Extra 15

Side 15

Salamangreat MR5 April 2020 banlist

This deck is not legal in the TCG because it conflicts with the banlist:
  • Deck has 1 Lavalval Chain but the official banlist limits this card to 0
  • Deck has 3 Gozen Match but the official banlist limits this card to 1


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40 Cards: 22 12 6

Archetype(s): Salamangreat

Lowest Cost: $62.71

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: CubicCards

Created: 04/12/2020

Last Updated: 04/12/2020

CubicCards Profile Picture

Registered User

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Click a card to see details!
Main Deck 40
Extra Deck 15
Side Deck 15