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"MyFirstCustomDeck(You'll like this deck)" Deck by SepiaDoughnut9548

Main 60

Extra 15

Side 15

MyFirstCustomDeck(You'll like this deck)


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60 Cards: 40 15 5

Archetype(s): Buster Blader

Lowest Cost: $51.85

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: SepiaDoughnut9548

Created: 04/11/2020

Last Updated: 04/11/2020

SepiaDoughnut9548 Profile Picture

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0 1 344

My first custom deck.


11/20/2020 09:47:47 AM
I see a few problems with this deck like how just a red eyes black metal dragon is worst than Red-eyes black dragon equipped with metalmorph it is just a -2 I know you try to be good but at least try to get help with the professionals also five-headed link dragon has too much of maintenance cost to keep as well you are missing a few pieces of the puzzle for some of the ritual monsters as well as for contract with Exodia other than that it is pretty good for a first.
04/11/2020 06:09:51 PM
This is my first custom deck. XD ;-; ;-; XD

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Main Deck 60
Extra Deck 15
Side Deck 15