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"Angry Gears" Deck by IDF13

Main 40

Extra 15

Side 15

Angry Gears

This deck is not legal in the TCG because it conflicts with the banlist:
  • Deck has 1 Red Reboot but the official banlist limits this card to 0


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40 Cards: 15 22 3

Archetype(s): Ancient Gear

Lowest Cost: $44.21

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: IDF13

Played: 02/02/2020

Created: 02/02/2020

Last Updated: 02/02/2020

Anonymous Deck Builder Profile Picture
Anonymous Deck Builder

Unknown User

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A petty straightforward Ancient Gear "burn" deck meant to be played in TCG Traditional. Why bother looking at my list? Here's a quick story (you'll probably relate more if you play casually TBH). I played Yugioh casually in high school as a freshman, we'd all play in the library during lunch. It was a thoroughly enjoyable time. I stumbled across Ancient Gears while looking through my friend's binder (I was still very new to the game). I knew that that was what I wanted to play. I traded fiercely to get the cards, and I loved it. Using only one deck against a broad range of casual decks while an inexperienced player, I crammed it full of unnecessary cards that extended matches but won games- and ultimately, were very fun to play and play against. Then pendulums launched, and I took a break from Yugioh & caught up with Magic: the Gathering after a few years' break from games. I've always wanted to re-create my gear deck though, to capture the "magic" of it while simultaneously being more efficient. This is the result of my efforts. Unfortunately I haven't been able to test it yet in a real match, but I'm content with forging this list. Anyway, enough about me. This is an aggressive deck with lots of synergy & tutoring. I love that Ancient Gears finally got the extra support 2015, some of the additions are really key to defending your own strategy and launching your own resources into the proper zones. The Sideboard is mainly tailored against strategies I remember my friend's using against me, such as control, Ghostrick flip effects, and Dragons. I genuinely feel that there's a lot of raw power in the "Ancient Gear effect" of opponents not being able to cast spells when you attack. Beat them down & burn them out. Have fun and feel free to suggest your own insights to deck construction! I don't plan on going whole-hog into Yugioh again, but I am fascinated with deck construction (part of the appeal for MTG for me, I love the challenge).


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Click a card to see details!
Main Deck 40
Extra Deck 15
Side Deck 15