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"Dark Magician Post Magical Hero" Deck by Popo Bobo

Main 50

Extra 15

Side 15

Dark Magician Post Magical Hero


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50 Cards: 24 15 11

Archetype(s): Dark Magician N/A

Lowest Cost: $155.09

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: Popo Bobo

Played: 01/22/2020

Created: 01/22/2020

Last Updated: 01/22/2020

Popo Bobo Profile Picture
Popo Bobo

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13 99 52748

As promised, here is the Dark Magician deck after the Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero set came out. This is just one I threw together using some of the cards that I knew of. Later, I will probably make a better, and more effective Dark Magician deck titled, "Dark Magician Post Magical Hero No. 2". I also added Milla the Temporal Magician mainly because she was really useful in Duel Links, so I figured I might as well. It's not necessary though. PS: I also did get a box of Magical Hero, and got everything except some Hero cards, the Dark Magicians, Magicians Souls, and Gagaga Magician.


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Main Deck 50
Extra Deck 15
Side Deck 15