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"Mayakashi Zombie Deck" Deck by ZombiePlayer

Main 50

Extra 15

Side 0

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Mayakashi Zombie Deck

This deck is not legal in the TCG because it conflicts with the banlist:
  • Deck has 1 Maxx "C" but the official banlist limits this card to 0


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50 Cards: 35 10 5

Archetype(s): Mayakashi Shiranui Zombie

Lowest Cost: $88.33

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: ZombiePlayer

Created: 03/06/2023

Last Updated: 03/06/2023

Anonymous Deck Builder Profile Picture
Anonymous Deck Builder

Unknown User

68 1787 854456

- Not a professional deck builder - (noob friendly) My Zombie deck I've been using for the beginning of 2023. I find the deck very enjoyable, with alot of outs and easy to learn. My tips to this deck: . Hajun into search Dakki is probably the staple synchro combo you want early or Dakki into Yuki-Musume. Dakki can essentially summon all your synchro's as it comes back to you after the synchro summon. . You want to get your mayakashi synchro's in the grave to use there graveyard abilities when summoned then start building out your other bigger zombies in doomking, changshi and eldlich the mad. . Alghoul should be kept in hand or grave to abuse his ability of saving your zombies and being able to float. . You want to use glow-up/zombie world, pyramid turtle or foolish burial to summon out doomking, hes important for denial and should be a priority along with getting your synchros out as he floats as well. . Should you get eldlich on the field and a lv 6 zombie (Alghoul, changshi or doomking) and your fusion spell (ghost fusion) you should be able to summon out eldlich the mad to end it.


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Main Deck 50
Extra Deck 15