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"NR Guradragon WebPredator" Deck by Peribee

Main 40

Extra 15

Side 0

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NR Guradragon WebPredator


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40 Cards: 22 18 0

Archetype(s): Cyberse

Lowest Cost: $11.45

Event Info: Non-Tournament Deck

Duelist: Peribee

Played: 03/23/2022

Created: 03/23/2022

Last Updated: 03/23/2022

Peribee Profile Picture

Registered User

6 13 4340

for the nr fest! Livetwin/trickstar/clock summon talkback/bloom and then devotee, devotee -> garda, exceed/mole/code/flier/debug ss and summon any link mon. Sac all three for Guardragon Gura, and dome them for lethal! It's best to wait to play any cards (besides a set mon you can spare) until they've put out at least two monsters.


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Main Deck 40
Extra Deck 15